Building an open digital economy

At EnftyMart, we're excited about a brand new type of digital good called a non-fungible token, or NFT. NFTs have exciting new properties: they’re unique, provably scarce, tradeable, and usable across multiple applications. Just like physical goods, you can do whatever you want with them! You could throw them in the trash, gift them to a friend a

A core part of our vision is that open protocols like Ethereum and interoperable standards like ERC-721 and ERC-1155 will enable vibrant new economies. We're building tools that allow consumers to trade their assets freely

We’re proud to be the first and largest marketplace for NFTs.













About the EnftyMart

EnftyMart was founded with a very simple mission - to make Enfties accessible to everyone

In 2017 the world witnessed the birth of CryptoKitties. For the first time, the world experienced a decentralized application built on blockchains but targetted towards a mainstream audience.

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Today, we’re proud to remain the largest general marketplace for user-owned digital items, supporting multiple blockchains, with the broadest set of categories

Backed by top firms & industry leaders

Who are helping us pave the way towards a brand new digital economy

with some of the most forward-thinking angels

Who are just as passionate about this space as we are

Jessica brown

Co-founder of Scalar

Tim Ferris


Belinda Johnson

Attorney of Airbnb

Justin Kan

Co-founder of Twitch

Alexis Ohanian

Co-founder of Reddit

Balaji Srinivisan


You might have read about us in the news

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